A videót megnézve nagyobbnak gondoltam ezeket a székeket... de még így is azt mondom: ide belóle v... (2009.07.19. 11:21)Non Usual Folding Chair
A jövô ezek szerint már most van... (2009.07.19. 11:18)OMG! It is moving!
Yes, it is a lawnmower concept. It makes those disks from the cut grass. You can use them as garden furniture or whatever. Design: Yong Hee Cho (South Korea), Yuli Sung (South Korea), Jee Won Lee (South Korea), Seung Hee Son (South Korea)
Have the most comfortable surround wherever inside or outside. A simple idea like an interactive lounge can make it happen. Idea by Patrícia Seixas Francia Silva.
This one is the plan for UK presence at Shanghai Expo 2010. Includes the largest botanical collection of wild plant seeds. More here, the brain is here.